My College Career began in January 2015, Spring Semester. My goal was to get into a classroom as soon as possible. After many evening classes and working around my Math Planning Time Technician job (14 hours a week, but in the middle of the day), I finished my Associates Degree and began my program. During the first meeting to orient us to our teaching program the option of being a Clinical Intern arose. There was a meeting in the other room directly after the orientation.
The Clinical Intern program would be a pilot program. Basically, this meant that I could be immersed in a classroom up to two days a week and that I would practice what I was learning in the UVU classroom, in an actual classroom. I jumped on it, signed up, and the rest is history!
So, I've worked with this group of incredible people for the past three Semesters and have come to LOVE them! Front row, L to R: Caroline, Makayla and Heidi
Second row: Christine, Rachel, Megan, Xela and Hailey.
Third row: Candace and Lisa
Fourth Row: Dr. Sandy Jan and Me
Fifth row: Izak and Justin
I have loved every minute of my education. I can count on one hand the times that a wave of dread passed over me. The incredible thing is that the dread passed as quickly as it came. I know that I'm meant to be a teacher, that my education has made me a better, happier person and that because I prayed for direction my decision to return to school was right and confirmed.
The timing of my education was perfect. I would not have wanted to change the lessons that my life has taught me outside the classroom and I would not have wanted to be away from my role as a wife and mother. Being an at-home-mom allowed me the full-time focus required to be the best I could be, learning lessons that I cherish.
Next? I will intern at Foothills Elementary in Salem, Utah, teaching fifth grade. I am working on setting up my room, working on routines and procedures and making decisions that will make or break this next year for me and my students. Fairly daunting! I'm excited to put into practice the incredible things that I've learned from my professors. So EXCITED!!!