Friday, May 24, 2019

End of my second year teaching! (first grade)

My time at Brockbank Elementary is at an end and I am moving on to fifth grade at Larsen Elementary! 
I have learned so much this year and loved my class so much! I haven't worked so hard or felt so rewarded (except parenting)  as I have as a teacher. It is a joy!!! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Zachary's Graduation

 Zachary graduated from 
Maple Mountain High School 
on May 22, 2019. 
He graduated with honors! 
We are so proud of him and the incredible person that he has become! His choices have allowed him opportunities like serving on the Seminary Council, learning to play his electric guitar and getting his mission papers prepared and ready to go.

The family (except David) were able to attend graduation and go to Sushi Ya afterward for his graduation dinner.

We LOVE his friends and are so happy 
when they come over to hang out with him!