Monday, August 31, 2020

Grandpa Robertson's prodding from his Mom.

 Saturday, the 29th of August I stopped at Mom and Dads to do my usual hair visit. I rolled Mom's hair and enjoyed hearing about the in's and out's of their past few days. 

Mom told me that Dad had fallen, two times, and had bumped his hip on a door jam as well as landed hard on his knee. (Both in the house). Dad was in pain and felt like he may have broken a rib but with Mom's help, he decided that he just needed some Rest and Relaxation! Mom said, "he's been napping a lot the last few days." 

A few minutes later, Dad walked into the kitchen, as he routinely does, leaving bits of information and insights as he passes through. This time he said, "Can I tell you something?" "I fell a couple of times this week and was sore so I have been resting. . . a little too much! I had been napping and napping when I heard, "Don," and I said, "Okay Mom!" He said that later when he was again enjoying a quiet, long nap he felt a poke on his shoulder, implying that it was time to get moving. "Okay Mom" he responded. 

He knew that his Mom was telling him to get up and keep going, not to be idle. 

   Photo 8/2019